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​A daily discipline to reveal Godly wisdom for our everyday lives.



Proverbs Chapter 5

Scott Bruegman

Welcome to day 5 of our daily Proverbs devotional. Solomon, the wisest man to ever live, shares some wisdom with us in this chapter that can change the entire course of your life, without a doubt. He uses the metaphor of an adulterous woman to represent the temptation of sin in our lives.

Sin always has real consequences. Sometimes they are immediate, but other times the consequences take a long time to manifest. In verses 11-14, Solomon describes one of the worst consequences of sin – to get to the end of your life, look back, and be filled with regret and disgrace. God doesn’t want that for you.

Yet, we all run the risk of giving into temptation when we are tired, angry, or discouraged. No one sets out to live a life that leads to “utter ruin.” It happens when we don’t seek wisdom or live our lives with intentionality. Therefore, this chapter tells us to not even go near the path of temptation.

When I first became a Christian, I was so nervous that I’d just drift back into a life of drugs, alcohol, and partying. One of the best pieces of advice I received as a new Christian was, “If you don’t want a haircut, stay away from the barber shop.” In other words, figure out what your biggest temptations are (people, places, objects, substances) and don’t go near them. Avoid them at all costs. At first, you might convince yourself that you can resist the temptation on your own strength, but don’t be fooled. Stay away, and trust God to remove the desire from your life.

Take this issue seriously because the stakes are high. Temptation derails people’s lives, marriages, families, jobs, and callings every day. Identify your vulnerabilities, understand the consequences, put boundaries in your life, and pray for God’s strength and peace. It’s so worth it, and you can do it!

Have a great day!

Twitter: @shawnjohnsonrrc