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​A daily discipline to reveal Godly wisdom for our everyday lives.



Proverbs Chapter 3

Scott Bruegman

Welcome back!

Take a moment to notice that there is an envelope button in the upper right hand corner of this web page. If you ever have a question, please click that button and send us a note. We’ll try to address your question in an email sent directly to you, or I’ll answer it in a subsequent day’s devotion.

Yesterday’s question was, “How do I pursue wisdom?” First off, you should know that by spending time in the Bible on a daily basis, and reading these devotions…you ARE pursuing wisdom. I encourage you to get a notebook or journal to write down at least one thought that comes to you as you read each day. Then, pray that God will help you do what you sense He is telling you to do. Remember, we aren’t seeking wisdom from God just so we can be smarter. We’re seeking wisdom from God so that we can act on that wisdom. It’s putting God’s word and guidance into action that allows for real life change!

Another way to seek God’s wisdom is laid out for us in today’s reading.

Proverbs 3:5-6, “Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to Him, and He will make your paths straight.”

This verse says that when we submit ALL our ways to God, He guides us down the right path in life. To be honest, I wish it said “some” of our ways. Okay, I’d settle for “most” of our ways. But, unfortunately, it says to submit to Him in ALL our ways. It seems that total submission to God is a prerequisite to attaining wisdom and knowledge from Him.

I don’t know if you are like me, but I sometimes imagine a conversation going on between God and I like this:

ME: “God, I need wisdom. I need guidance. What do I do here?”

GOD: “Shawn, you focus on submitting ALL your ways to me. Then, I’ll make your path crystal clear.”

ME: “Right, I’m sorry. I must not have been clear. I’m not talking about obedience or submission, I need direction.”

GOD: “You fully submit, and I’ll then fully direct. It’s that simple, son. You’re not waiting on me for guidance; I’m waiting on you to submit. Then, I’d love to guide you.”

Take some time to do a personal inventory. Is there an area of your life that you have not fully submitted to God? A relationship? Your finances? A grudge? Or something you know God is calling you to do that you just haven’t done yet? Talk to God about it, and ask Him to help you fully submit. He’s your heavenly Father, He loves you, and He can’t wait to reward your obedience to Him with wisdom.

I pray that God will help you be honest with yourself. Stop making excuses and start trusting Him, even if it seems risky. I pray that your effort to fully submit will result in clear guidance and wisdom from Him.

Have a great day!


Twitter: @shawnjohnsonrrc